About Ultimate Long Drive™


Ultimate Long Drive™ (ULD™) is the largest long drive golf organization in the world in both, membership / participants and events played annually.

ULD™ provides long drive golf competition for all ages and abilities around the world. Ultimate Long Drive™, Inc and its licensees operate hundreds of long drive events annually in leagues, regional majors, and its world championship.

Mission: To create a fundamentally sound business model for our licensees and in the process create a sustainable foundation for the long-term growth of the sport of long drive golf. 

Announcement:  Get Qualified for the annual ULD World Championship.

Our Mission & Vision

We are focused on growing the sport of long drive from the bottom up. It is our mission to create a fundamentally sound business model for our licensees and in the process create a sustainable foundation for the long-term growth of the sport of long drive. 

We create grass roots opportunities for aspiring long drivers of all ages and abilities, no matter his or her goals for the sport. Hitters have opportunities to compete in multiple events annually.

We provide access to the resources necessary to advance in this sport. Whether it is coaching, equipment, marketing for events, or a general knowledge base, we bring together players, coaches, organizers, sponsors, and fans who wish to advance the sport of long drive.

Philosophy & Style of Play

Comradery, sportsmanship, and support from fellow competitors are the most promising signs of this sport’s potential growth.

Long drivers are like family. They have the common goal be the best they can be at CRUSHING golf balls! Our events are exciting, entertaining, and memorable.

This is all about the fun of using one club, not a bag-full, to see who can hit balls the   longest…inbounds…in a set amount of time.

Long drive is “alternative golf”. It is loud, aggressive, and competitive! Competitors and fans are yelling, there’s loud music playing, and very little reverence to the quiet ambiance representative of the root sport.

“It only takes one'” are the most common words in long drive.

 Are you long enough?Why Join Us?

Whether you are a player or an organizer, Ultimate Long Drive, Inc has all the tools and resources to help you reach your goals.


No matter whether you want to compete professionally or just as a hobby, we provide more on-the-tee opportunity than any other organization. We provide the pathway to become a world champion at any age and ability. Are you long enough?


We have a proven system for running events-efficiently. Our marketing program can bring recognition to your events no mattter where they are held. Whether you take on a ULD territory or sanction a single tournament, we’ll help make your event successful. We can give your players a pathway to the World Championship!



The Ultimate Long Drive™ Team

President & CEO / Founder

Jeff Gilder
[email protected]

Vice President of Operations

Kevin Porter
[email protected]

ULD™ Tour Advisor

Jeff Crittenden
[email protected]

USA National Tournaments Director ULD™

Brian Stefan
[email protected]

Virtual Tournament Director ULD™

Ralph Perkins

Broadcast / Production Director

Dustin Gilder

[email protected]


Broadcast / Production Engineer

Jay Burgess

[email protected]

Broadcaster / On Air Talent

Alex Wober - Host - Smash Factor

Digital Manager

Photography / Social Media / Podcasting

Alex Wober

[email protected]

Broadcaster / On Air Talent

Jim Kelly - World Championship

Strategic Partnerships

Jeff Gilder

[email protected]

Canada Tour Commissioner

Fareen Samji
[email protected]

India Tour Commissioner

Faisel Quereshi - Brandon D'Souza

Latino American Tour Commissioner

Luis Kuronya

Japan Tour Commissioner

Ken Takahashi - Kenji Nishida

South Africa Commissioner

Stephen Van Zyl

USA Tounament Director

Matt Ellenburg - Western Carolinas
[email protected]

USA Tournament Director

Kevin Porter - Mid-Atlantic South
[email protected]

USA Tournament Director

Steve Bressler - Western PA

USA Tournament Director

Dustin Spinnato - MId Atlantic North (Eastern PA, DE, NJ)

USA Tournament Director

Adam Sauter - Minnesota

USA Tournament Director

Adam Sauter - Iowa

USA Tounament Director

Lynn Ray - Southern California
[email protected]

USA Tounament Director

Charlie Fisher Michigan

USA Tournament Director

Dillon Fay- Utah

USA Tounament Director

Cody Brooks - Central Texas

USA Tournament Director

Victor Millan Jr - Southern Alabama

USA Tounament Director

Jeff Gilder - Coastal Carolinas

[email protected]

ULD Academy Certified Trainer

Jeff Crittenden

[email protected]

ULD Academy Certified Trainer

Kevin Porter

[email protected]

ULD Academy Certified Trainer

Jeff Gilder

[email protected]

ULD Academy Certified Trainer

Scott Laurent

ULD Academy Certified Trainer

Dustin Stearns

ULD Divisions


Boys and Girls ages 13 and under compete in youth divisions at ULD™ League, Regional Majors, Nationals, and World Championship Events in 7U, 9U, 11U, and 13U

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Boys and girls ages 17 AND under compete in ULD™ League, Regional Majors, Nationals, and World Championship Events.

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Players of any age may enter any Open Division event in ULD. Only players 18+ may receive prize money from "professional" ULD Events.

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Masters 35+ 40+ 45+

Players ages of 35 and up may enter any 35+ ULD Events. Players ages 40 and up may enter 40+ ULD events. And any player age 45 and up may enter the 45+ age bracket and any below their current age.


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Open Senior

Players between the ages of 50 and 75+ may enter  their respective age bracket at any ULD event in  50+, 55+. 60+, 65+, 70+, and 75+ divisions along with any below their current age.


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Clinics & Work Shops

Ultimate Long Drive, Inc provides access for all members to the best long drive coaches in the industry through ULD Academy.


Good Long Drive equipment can be dfficult to find. Much is only availalbe in limited supply. ULD members have access to the best products and prices available.

Peronalized Training

One-on-one training can be difficulet to arrange and expensive. . ULD provides its members to the best trainers in the industry.

Our History

Ultimate Long Drive, Inc actually began organizing events as Amateur Long Drive™ in 2017 with the first ULD™ World Championship held at Legends Golf Resort in Myrtle Beach, Sc. 100+ players attended the innaugural event. ULD™ organized eight events in the 2017/2018 season culminating the second annual ULD™ World Championship where 134 players competed to become world champions in a variety of diviisons.

The ULD™ Championship Series launched in September 2018 and produced 40+ League, Regional Major, and World Championship events.

In November 2019, Amateur Long Drive, Inc changed its corporate name to Ultimate Long Drive, Inc and organized the Xtreme Long Drive™ Championship series for professional long drivers. In 2021, ULD named Addison Brown Tour Commissioner for Military Long Drive™ (MLD™) and sanctioned his series for 2022.

Become Volunteer Today

Volunteers are the heartbeat of our competitons. Contact us and let us know where and when you may be avialble to volunteer.