These White Papers are provided to give long drivers a general knowledge of various topics surrounding our sport. They are created from a variety of sources. There may be some “opinion” interjected from time to time…especially in areas that are not black and white where the sport of long drive differs from tee to green golf and guidelines developed thereof.

If there is information here that the reader deems non-factual, we’d like to know. We’ll gladly take the feedback and consider changes. There’s a form at the bottom of this page for that purpose, as well as, suggesting other topics to include.

Is A Longer Shaft Faster / Better For Everyone?

When does a longer shaft make sense? Should golfers with slower swing speeds use them? The length of a golf club shaft plays a significant role in a golfer's swing and overall performance. While a longer shaft may provide certain advantages, it is not necessarily the...

What Is Face Shaving

Shaving the face of a golf club can have a significant impact on the Coefficient of Restitution (COR) and Smash Factor. The COR refers to the measurement of how efficiently the clubface transfers energy to the golf ball upon impact, while the Smash Factor represents...

Smash Factor Explained

Smash Factor is a term used to measure the efficiency and power of a player's swing. It is a ratio that indicates how well a golfer transfers energy from the clubhead to the golf ball upon impact. The formula for calculating Smash Factor is simple: it is the ratio of...

COR Coefficient of Restitution Explained

The coefficient of restitution (COR) for golf club drivers is a crucial factor in determining the performance and effectiveness of these clubs. It refers to the measurement of the energy transfer between the clubface and the golf ball upon impact. When a golfer swings...

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